AIVET – AI tools for VET schools

Icep is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “AIVET – AI tools for VET schools” (ref. n. 2024-1-RS01-KA220-VET-000254863). The project has a duration of 24 months, starting in September 2024 and ending in August 2026.
The applicant organisation is Tehnička škola from Pirot, Serbia and partner organisations are Agrupamento de Escolas Tomás Cabreira from Faro, Portugal and our team from ICEP s.r.o. from Bratislava, Slovakia.
With this project we want to achieve two things - first, to improve the competences of teaching, but also non-teaching staff, in field of basic usage of AI; second, to create a material for AI teachers in VET schools, which would help them in AI theory, practice, when working with AI equipment but also, with publicly available AI tools. All this material will be publicly available and presented via LMS (Learning Management System) platform open for all users.
All the activities within this project are divided into 3 packages - intellectual outputs production (project implementation), coordinative and evaluative work (project coordination and evaluation), and spreading the knowledge from this project via project dissemination. Project implementation is divided into three major parts - production of material for AI theory and practice, for AI tools, and AI equipment. We plan to have 3 TPMs and 3 workshop meetings, plus number of training and seminars.
In general, our results will be an increased number of people capable for using public AI tools, and this included VET teachers, teachers outside of VET, but also non-teaching staff. We want to foster AI competences of our teachers and students by using proper AI equipment within our institutions, and this knowledge will rely on basis of AI theory and practice which we will produce during the course of the project.
Read more about the project partners:
Tehnička škola from Pirot, Serbia: https://tsp.edu.rs/
Agrupamento de Escolas Tomás Cabreira: http://www.agr-tc.pt/site/
Keep in touch:
- ICEP official website: http://iceponline.com/
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iceponline/