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Certification of Competence

In ISO 19011:2018, Guidelines for auditing management systems, the International Organization for Standardization - ISO defines competence as “the ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results”.   The Certification of Competence attests that the certified professional or individual has proved to be in possession of the knowledge, skills, personal attributes and qualifications required for certification. Certification requirements are included in a tailored Certification Scheme, designed and produced to adhere to International Standards defining a specific professional profile or competence area. The verification is carried out through assessment and examination, implemented by the Certification Institute as an Independent Third Party. In fact, the Certification of Competence can only represent an added value if the assessment and certification process is performed by an Independent Third Party.  

Aiming to achieve a coherent certification procedure, Icep has established an outcome-based reference approach for certifications, conforming to European and International standards and operating in accordance to common regulations and goals. Moreover, in order to implement a coherent and transparent process, Icep verifies that all actors involved in the certification process:
  • are fully aware and respectful of the confidential nature of the information they handle;
  • consistently guarantee the absence of conflicts of interest;
  • have an objective and impartial approach to the activities and to candidates applying for certification or already certified persons.
In addition, a Committee for the Safeguarding of Impartiality, consisting of members not belonging to the Organisation and representing all parties involved in the process, oversees all Certification activities implemented.  

The Independence and Impartiality Committee is chaired by the Management, which ensures balance in the voting and representation rules, and is responsible for the proper execution of the Personnel certification activity. Furthermore, the Independence and Impartiality Committee is responsible for: • formulating the political guidelines relating to the activity of ICEP; • support the Management in strategic decisions; • verify that the Price Lists approved by the Management do not generate discrimination of any kind; • supervise the application of the political guidelines themselves; • supervise the financial activities of ICEP; • appoint the Certification Committee and the Scheme Managers to whom to delegate well-defined activities. For this purpose, the Independence and Impartiality Committee must: 1) annually examine a report by the ICEP Management on the analysis of the threats to impartiality with actions undertaken and/or to be undertaken; 2) ascertain that the absence of conflicts of interest between company bodies, collaborators and certified personnel persists in ICEP; 3) verify the financial data in order to ascertain the absence of income that could be a threat to the impartiality of ICEP; 4) randomly verify the application of the Price Lists including the uniform application of commercial policies of the ICEP Management; 5) check the adequacy of contracts with employees, collaborators and consultants in order to verify the absence of clauses that may be prejudicial to independence and impartiality; 6) examine certification practices on a sample basis, verifying in particular the absence of conflicts of interest and compliance with the ICEP procedures; 7) verify the entire ICEP management system in order to ascertain the real independence and impartiality; 8) verify the correct management of complaints, appeals and appeals for the purpose of safeguarding impartiality; 9) appoint each Scheme Manager, designated by the ICEP Management, after verifying compliance with the requirements in terms of technical competence, who will make up the Certification Committee; 10) delegate to the Certification Committee all verification, evaluation and granting of ICEP certifications, 11) undertake any action deemed necessary in the performance of their duties. For the purposes of control and for the performance of its duties, the Independence and Impartiality Committee has access to any ICEP document, guaranteeing respect for the confidentiality and secrecy of what it becomes aware of in the performance of its activities, aware of the civil and criminal responsibilities for any negligence.

The Independence and Impartiality Committee is convened at least once a year by its President by any means (fax, e-mail, registered letter with return receipt, sms) at least 15 calendar days before the fixed date. The convocation must be accompanied by an agenda as well as containing information on the date, time, place and duration of the meeting. The meetings are valid when at least one third of the interested parties belonging to the Independence and Impartiality Committee are present (even by proxy). Each organization represented has the right to one vote, in addition to any proxies. All decisions are taken by simple majority (present and by proxy). The Chairman of the Independence and Impartiality Committee does not normally have the right to vote unless a parity persists which does not allow for resolution on one or more points. The participation of any other representatives of the interested parties is admitted to the meeting, without the right to vote. There is also the right for the ICEP accreditation body to participate in the meetings of the Independence and Impartiality Committee in order to ascertain that the effective composition and its functioning comply with the provisions of the ISO/IEC 17024:03 standard and to the ICEP procedures. Minutes are drafted by the Chairman for each meeting and kept by the Management System Manager.

It is desirable that the designated representatives of the interested parties have at least basic knowledge in the field of standardization and certification. Failing this, ICEP will undertake to take part in the meetings with its own personnel and/or designated consultants for the purpose of technically supporting the Independence and Impartiality Committee.

Furthermore, in its commitment to ensuring an efficient service provision, Icep has developed an internal procedure providing for a careful periodic analysis of all potential risks connected to each stage of the certification process and for the elaboration of related management strategies. Icep also adopts a Quality Policy Protocol, to commit to employ all necessary resources in order to increase the performance of its employees and improve internal processes.  

Our Certifications
Operational stages
  • Submission of application documents
  • Verification of compliance to requirements listed in the Certification Scheme
  • Examination, either in person or online on our platform
  • Issue of certificate
  • Monitoring the continued fulfilment of requirements of the certified person over time
In essence, the Certification of Personnel is a means for the transparent recognition and validation of personal and professional Competence, in order to increase the intrinsic professional value and competitiveness of the person in the labour sector. Therefore, achieving a personnel certification represents a significant investment and a desirable asset for a modern professional: it qualifies the certified person as a reliable subject; moreover, it enters the person into a continuous process of updating the competences, including a verification held at different stages (annual, triennial or quinquennial, depending on the profile), in order to maintain the certification. From the perspective of an employer, a Certification issued by an Independent Third Party in accordance to International Standards is a real guarantee of the employee’s specific and practical competences, rather than generic qualifications. In addition, in case of problematic situations, the employer can report any non-compliance or need for improvement of competences to the Certification Institute.

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