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Social PEAS

Icep is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Social Permaculture: Empowering an Active Society project” (Social PEAS 2021-1-CY01-KA220-ADU-000035198). The project has a duration of 30 months, starting in January 2022 and ending in June 2024.

Together with the project coordinator FILOI TIS GIS (Cyprus) and partners FRIENDS OF THE EARTH MALTA, FUNDACION INTRAS (Spain), Stichting Hekate Conscious Ageing (The Netherlands), Promimpresa (Italy), Icep is pursuing the goal of community development, tackling mental health and environment problems along the way.

This project aims to develop high-quality project results on social permaculture and permaculture eco-therapy gardening as a tool for people working with vulnerable adults to be able to support such adults to be empowered, acquire skills, build social networks and develop within their community with equal access to nature

Project objectives are:

– To support adult educators to increase their knowledge and gain expertise in regenerative social permaculture, nature permaculture and how to use permaculture gardens for different marginalised adults for wellbeing and to build resilient communities. This will be done through a training curriculum developed specifically for adult educators working with minority groups.

– To provide adult educators with the necessary tools through the means of a manual and programme guide to create permaculture gardens and work programmes with marginalised adults.

– To create opportunities for adult educators to continue with their professional development and gain certification for their learnings in nature and social permaculture.

– To increase awareness amongst adult educators on the interconnectedness of environmental and social issues and how their work can be a vehicle of transformation in both respects.

– To develop key competencies amongst vulnerable adults around self-care, self-reliance, active social participation, community work, social skills, co-design, food autonomy and green entrepreneurship to have the ability to participate in modern society.

– To improve well-being and social inclusion for adults through contact with nature, using non-formal education for engagement, through pilot projects that will be spaces for vulnerable adults and other community members to work on together. This will also support fighting stigma that marginalised adults currently experience.

– To develop self-paced online tools as open educational resources where all the didactic materials will be available for free for a wide reach of adult educators.

The main target groups addressed are:

– Adult educators/trainers/facilitators/social workers
– People with mental health issues
– Homeless people
– Former addicts (drug and alcohol abusers)
– People with disabilities and elderly individuals

The project sets out to produce the following Intellectual Outputs:

– Development of a training course for adult educators on regenerative social permaculture, nature permaculture and how to use permaculture gardens for different marginalised adults for well-being.
– At least four showcase permaculture garden spaces will be created.
– Online Learning Platform with self-paced online tools, an open educational resource where all the didactic materials will be available for free for a wide reach of adult-educators.
– Availability of professional certification for adult-educators and vulnerable adults to be able to achieve validated qualifications for developed competencies in their non-formal education in permaculture.

Visit the project website
