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Our Euproject Department

Icep specialises in international and Eu-funded projects, in particular focusing on Education & Training and in Socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable people. Department members are experienced in managing all stages of a project, from elaborating a proposal, to leading or co-leading a partnership in implementing activities and monitoring finances, performing evaluation of results and disseminating outcomes.  

  • Target groups

Our main target groups include several categories, such as: Youth, Adults, Women, Migrants, VET teachers and learners, Entrepreneurs, Schools. Icep contributes to raise awareness and to provide visibility and value to the skills of vulnerable people, exchanging national approaches and experiences. In fact, our role as Certification Provider is our central contribution to a project consortium, supporting the project in achieving a successful positive impact on direct beneficiaries and on target groups at large.

  • Activities

– Validation of competences acquired in non-formal and informal learning: Icep contributes to establish systems that enable organisations and individuals to identify, document, assess and certify all forms of learning, in order to validate their competences to advance their career and for further education and training: update and host the European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning
– Develop and disseminate Protocol for Certification of Competences and guidelines on validation
– Conduct case and thematic studies and research on validation systems and the projects topics
– Managing the project implementation: contributing to output production, organising learning activities and events, disseminating results.

  • Learning Mobilities

In addition, our team is active in the planning and implementation of both Incoming and Outgoing International Learning Mobilities, as part of a European alliance of partners operating in the context of Erasmus+ Key Action 1 projects.