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Non-formal Competences

Having developed a functional approach for the creation of tailored Certification Schemes and the implementation of the corresponding certification processes, Icep is able to certify non-formal competences for professional profiles and competence areas related to sectors that are not regulated by higher level standards, such as compulsory legislation, technical requirements or formal obligations. Non-formal competences are intended as competences acquired through non-formal learning. Non-formal learning is an intentional choice of the learner, but is carried out outside formal educational or training systems, for instance through:
  • various life circumstances or the continued practice of a regulated or non-regulated professional profile
  • learning opportunities delivered in organisations pursuing educational and training purposes, including training providers, enterprises, volunteering, national civil service and private social sectors.

  • In particular, based on this understanding, Icep provides certification for:

  • Non-accredited Schemes of Personnel Certification and Professional Competence Certification
  • Competences acquired in Icep Approved © Courses
  • Transversal Competences
  • Competences acquired in the context of European Projects
  • On-demand Tailored Certification Schemes
    For Businesses, Icep provides tailored services for the design, development, production and implementation of targeted Personnel Certification Schemes and certifications. The certification of personnel and employees as proficient in one or more specific competence areas related to their professional profiles is a valuable asset for the Business or Organisation in order to increase its competitiveness, attractiveness and professionalism.

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