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Transversal Competences

Transversal Competences for Employability

According to normative standards such as CEN Guide 14, UNI, ESCO and EQF, Icep has developed a Certification process for Transversal Competences, in particular those considered most valuable in relation to employment and employability. These competences include general, broad-based skills related to thinking and cognitive processes, behavioural patterns in social and professional contexts, abilities to reflect and use learning strategies and self-correcting behaviour. In particular, certifiable Transversal Competences are: 


  • Effective Communication
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Team Working & Team Building


These competences concern the ability to analyse and solve problems, evaluate alternatives, make decisions, organise activities and projects, conduct negotiations or present data and proposals. The ultimate goal is transferability to different tasks and work contexts as a process of self-building, in which the person is an "actor" of his or her own professional and personal growth. 


The certification session is aimed at analysing the set of behaviours that lead to achieving results in collaboration with other people, to deal with complex issues and situations, to control interpersonal tensions and to innovate. The examination proposes situations that simulate the operational and organisational reality of a company or other professional environments, thus enabling to detect the behaviours of the individuals involved. The data obtained from each observation for each competence is then placed on a scale from 0 to 100, in order to assess the level of competence of the candidate, to be stated in the Certificate.

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